

那就是1 2 3集我都很喜歡反派的歌

除了2裡面Sharpay改編的那首 = =

從1的那首Bop To Top

2的Fabulous和I Don't Dance

到這首I Want It All都是我常聽的歌


反派反而有一種脫序 即興的感覺

整首歌感覺起來頗有張力 有置身於大蘋果的感覺

時髦 抽象 顛覆傳統


現在要介紹的I Want It All 就是大千金Sharpay的幻想曲


先回溯到第一集Sharpay登場時 真是令我嚇了一跳




不過 一部戲裡出現這種神經大條的有錢人還真是不錯



Imagine having everything we ever dreamed

Don't you want it? Maybe

Can't you see it? Kinda

Imagine first audition after college I get the lead!

Apart from me? Well of course

Yeah right, you?ve gotta believe it

Keep talkin?

You and I all the fame

Sharpay and what's his name

Sound exciting? Inviting

Let's do it then, let's sing

Personal stylist

Agent and a publicist

But where do I fit into this?

With you we can win

Win the part? Think bigger

Become superstars? That's better

Don't you see that bigger is better?

And better is bigger?

A little bit is ever enough, no no no

Don't you want it all?!

You want it, you know that you want it

The fame and the fortune and more

You want it all!

You want it, you know that you want it

You gotta have your star on the door

You want the world nothing less

All the glam and the press

Only giving you the best reviews

Say it!

I want it all!

I want it, I want it, want it

My name in lights in Carnegie Hall

I want it all!

Can't you see it? Yeah!

They're gonna love me!

Hmm mmm mmm, I mean, us!

Red carpet, rose bouquets

Crowd waiting backstage

I'm with her, don't stop me

I'm not the paparazzi

Invitations, standing ovations

Magazines, yes please

Gotta be celebrities!

Photographs, fan club

Give the people what they love

Now you're excited, I like it!

Let's do it then, yeah!

Time Square, jet setter

Sequels, hey better

New York today

Tomorrow the world!

Sold out shows! Think bigger

And the Oscar goes to

That's better

Don't you see that bigger is better?

And better is bigger?

A little bit is never enough, no no no

I want it all!

I want it, want it, want it

The fame and the fortune and more

I want it all!

I want it, want it, want it

I gotta have my star on the door

I want the world nothing less

All the glam and the press

Only giving me the best reviews

I want it all!

I want it, want it, want it

Radio City Music Hall

We want it all!

Here in the spotlight we shine

Look at who we are

When Broadway knows your name

You know that you?re a star!


I want it, I-I I want it

I want it, I want it, I-I I want it all!

I want it, I want it, I-I I want it

I want it, I want it, I-I I want it

I want it all!

I want it, want it, want it

The fame and the fortune and more

I want it all!

I want it, want it, want it

I gotta have my star on the door

I want the world nothing less

All the glam and the press

Only giving me the best reviews

I want it all!

Paris! London!

Rome! Toronto!

L.A.! Sydney!

Buenos Aires!

Tokyo! Alaska!

Bollywood! New York City!

We want it all!

另外看到標題沒 還有喔



當時嗓子好 還有練 現在不行了= =

不過她老弟就蠻可憐了 算憨厚型的 所以一直陪她幹蠢事

這首歌的旋律真的是很詭異 不過整首這樣聽起來還怪好聽的

CD是直接Absoulutely完就NOT 有魄力! 電影的有好笑的劇情


還有歌詞 = =:

It's out with the old and in with the new

Goodbye clouds of gray, hello skies of blue

A dip in the pool, a trip to the spa

Endless days in my chaise

The whole world according to moi

Excuse me?

Thank you

Iced tea imported from England

Lifeguards imported from Spain

Towels imported from Turkey

And turkey imported from Maine

We're gonna relax and renew

You go do

I want fabulous, that is my simple request

All things fabulous, bigger and better and best

I need something inspiring to help me get along

I need a little fabulous, is that so wrong?

Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops

Where is my pink Prada tote?

I need my Tiffany hairband

And then I can go for a float

Summer like never before

I want more

She wants fabulous, that is her simple request

All things fabulous, bigger and better and best

She needs something inspiring to help her get along

She needs a little fabulous, is that so wrong?

Fabulous pool, fabulous splash

Fabulous parties even fabulous trash

Fabulous fashion, fabulous bling

She's got to have fabulous everything

Nothing to discuss

Everything's got to be perfect for me

She wants fabulous, that is her simple request

All things fabulous, bigger and better and best

She needs something inspiring to help her get along

She needs a little fabulous, is that so wrong?

This won't do, that's a bore

That's insulting, I need more

I need, I need, I need, I need, I need, I need

I need fabulous

Give me fabulous hair, fabulous style

Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile

Oh, I like what I see, I like it a lot

Is this absolutely fabulous? Absolutely not



那就是當Troy跟Sharpay去餐會時 大家在棒球場跳的

I Don't Dance




也讓我驚覺 原來Ryan歌喉這麼好啊~


(Ryan) Hey,batter,batter, hey battter,batter swing.

(Chad) I've go to just do my thing.

(Ryan)Hey,batter,batter, hey batter,batter swing.

I'III show you that it's one and the same:

Baseball,dancing,same game.

It's easy:

Step up to the plate,start swingin.

(Chad) I wanna play ball now, and that's all.

This is what I do.

It ain't no dance that you can show me.

(Girls) You'll never know it you never try.

(chad)There's just one little thing that stops me ev'ry time YEAH.

(Ryan) Come on!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan and Girls) I know you can.

(Chad) Not a chance.

(Ryan and Girls) It I could do this,well,you could do that.

(Chad) But I don't dance.

(Ryan) Hit it out of the park!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan) I say you can.

(Chad) There's not a chance.

(Ryan) Slide home,you score, swingin on the dance floor.

(Chad) I don't dance,no.

(Ryan)Hey,batter,batter, hey batter,batter swing.

(Chad) I've go to just do my thing.

(Ryan)Hey,batter,batter, hey batter,batter swing.

(Ryan) Two-steppin, now you're up to bat.

Bases loaded, do your dance.

It's easy:

Take your best shot,just hit it.

(Chad) I've got what it takes, playin my game,so you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me, YEAH.

I'II show you how I swing.

(Girls) You'll never know if you never try.

(chad)There's just one little thing that stops me ev'ry time. YEAH.

(Ryan)Come on!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan and Girls) Iknow you can.

(Chad) Not a chance.

(Ryan and Girls)It I could do this, well, you could do that.

(Chad) But I don' dance.

(Ryan) Hit it out of the park!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan) I say you can.

(Chad) There's not a chance.

(Ryan) Slide home, you score, swingin on the dance floor.

(Chad) I don't dance, no.

(Ryan) Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance.

Swing it out,spin around,do the dance.

(Chad) I wanna play ball,not dance hall.

I'm makin a triple,not a curtain call.

(Ryan) I can prove it to you til you know it's true,cause I can swing it, I can bring it to the diamond too.

(Chad) You're talkin a lol;show me what you gat. STOP.

(ALL!) Swing!

(Ryan) HEY

Come on,swing it like this.


(Chad) Ooh

(Ryan)Jitterbug...just like that.

That's what I mean; That's how you swing.

(Chad) You make a good pitch but I don't belive.

(Ryan) I say you can.

(Chad) I know I can't.

(Ryan and Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan) You can do it.

(Chad) I don't dance,no.

(Ryan) Nothin'to it.Alta boy, alta boy. YEAH.

(Chad) Hey,batter,batter, hey batter,bater what?

(Ryan) One,two,three,four, everybody swing!

(Ryan and Chad) COME ON!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan)I know you can.

(Chad) Not a chance.

(Ryan and Girls) It I could do this,well,you could do that.

(Chad) But I don't dance.

(Ryan) Hit it out of the park!

(Chad) I don't dance.

(Ryan) I say you can.

(Chad) There's not a chance.

(Ryan) Silde home,you score,swingin on the dance floor.

(Chad) I don't dance,no.



Bop To The Top


簡潔有力 卻開啟了正反之間的惡鬥XD

而內容也很不錯 算兩人少數含有建設性歌詞的歌


一把人字梯+星星 把場面帶的很 成 功

只能說 這首歌再第一集當了很好的榜樣(不是說他們兩個喔)


真的是一首好歌 有個性 唱的又很好


[Ryan:]Mucho Gusto

[Sharpay:] Aye que fabulosa Rrrrr aye aye AYE

[Ryan and Sharpay:] Arrriba

[Sharpay:] ¯Quieres bailar?

[Ryan:] Mirame

[Sharpay:] I believe in dreaming And shooting for the stars

[Ryan:] Baby to be number one You got to raise the bar

[Sharpay:] Kicking and a scratching Grinding out my best

[Ryan:] Anything it takes to climb The ladder of success

[Both:] Work our tails off everyday

Gotta bump the competition Blow them all away

[Ryan:] Caliente

[Sharpay:] Suave

[Sharpay:] Yeah we're gonna

[Both:] Bop bop bop, bop to the top

[Ryan:] Slip and slide and ride that rhythm

[Both:] Jump and hop Hop until we drop

[Sharpay:] And start again

[Both:] Zip zap zop hop, walk like a mop

[Ryan:] Scoot around the corner

[Both:] Move it to the groove

Until the music stops

Do the bop bop bop

To the top

Don't ever stop

Bop to the top

Gimme gimme Shimmy shimmy

Shake some booty and turn around

Flash a smile in their direction

[Sharpay:] Show some muscle

[Ryan:] Do the hustle

[Sharpay:] Yeah we're gonna

[Both:] Bop bop bop, bop to the top

[Ryan:] Wipe away your inhibitions

[Both:] Stump stump stump, do the rump

[Sharpay:] And strut your stuff

[Both:] Bop bop bop, straight to the top

We're going for the glory

[Ryan:] We'll keep stepping up and we just won't stop

[Sharpay:] (Stop)

[Both:] Till we reach the top

Bop to the top

說真的 HSM的結束 真的令我蠻傷心的

在也看不到一群活力充沛的高中生了 ˊˋ



Thanks You Very Much, HSM!

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